Outdoor Activities
Somerset Boat Centre
Have you ever fancied messing about on the water? Ever felt that tingle of well-being and the sense of mindfulness being on or near water can bring?
Located on the Bridgwater-Taunton canal just a few miles from Riverside, Somerset Boat Centre can offer you a variety of ways to get on, or be near, the water and have some fun. They offer canoes, kayaks, self-drive motor boats and a chartered narrowboat. In addition the centre itself is a fantastic destination for that special event with its unique location and brand new facilities. There's also a charming canalside cafe nearby at Maunsell Lock.
Tel: 07508 959996 or 07946 580050 www.somersetboatcentre.co.uk
Stoke Wood Alpacas
Steve and Sally Baker at Stoke Wood Alpacas offer two versions of their ‘alpaca experience’ for you to get to know these friendly, charismatic animals. There’s a 30 minute session where you can meet and mingle with the alpacas and hand feed them. Or spend 2 hours including :
a talk about alpacas, their history etc.
see the alpacas and feed them; help to catch alpacas for haltering
a walk around their land with an alpaca, up to 8 alpacas at a time
tea/coffee/cold drinks and cakes to finish
Booking advised www.stokewoodalpacas.com
Bicycle Hire
Parrett Trail Bikes (Langport) www.parretttrailbikes.
co.uk/ -
Electric Bike Rental (Somerton) www.facebook.com/pg/SomertonElectricBike Rental/
Channel Adventure (Taunton) www.channeladventure.
co.uk/taunton/ -
Somerset Bike Hire (Creech St Michael) www.somersetbikehire.
Horse Riding
Drakes Farm Riding Centre, Ilton 01460 929559 email@drakesfarm.co.uk
Adsborough House Stables, Thurloxton www.adsboroughhousestables.co.uk
The village playing fields offer play equipment for young children together with two recently resurfaced tennis courts which can be booked online on a ‘Pay & Play’ basis.
Stoke St Gregory Tennis Club https://clubspark.lta.org.uk/StokeStGregoryTennisClub
Golf & Adventure Centre
Located in Taunton’s Vivary Park, alongside the 18-hole golf course, is the Adventure Centre which offers kids a range of activities including higher and lower ropes courses, totem poles, a climbing wall, mini golf and more. Booking is advisable, parking nearby. Age restrictions apply in certain areas www.visitsomerset.co.uk/taunton/things-to-do